Entrepreneurship Program
This program is designed to challenge participants to embrace innovative ways of creating self-reliance. The process is threefold steps:
1) Changing attitude – At this stage, participants are challenged to decoding limiting beliefs and inner narratives that are informed by our past experiences, putting us on survival mode, making us focus on impossibilities, restricting openness to alternatives, and inhibiting creative and imaginative thinking. This is achieved mainly through group sharing and mentorship.
2) Building agency – This is done through capacity building on business skills and knowhow, awareness of the business ecosystem and processes that enable participants navigate the business world in a way they can create results. Topics such as sustainable entrepreneurship, identifying business ideas, business canvas model, business records, sourcing capital, marketing, business plan writing, business challenges etc. are taught by professional trainers. They also get opportunities for practical learning through field visits, and apprenticeship.
3) Actualization – Here, the candidates engage in experiential learning as they interact with entrepreneurs excelling in various fields of business. In the process, they acquire practical skills on how to turn ideas into feasible businesses. They come up with viable business ideas, write business plan, do business pitching, and refine their ideas. They then receive seed capital to implement them.
This program has seen some of our members create alternative source of livelihood leading to self-reliance. Businesses such as groceries, boutique, barbershops, photography, cereals store, movie shop among others have been established through the support of this program. Many of our members have also received handicraft trainings as well as establishing small business enterprises geared towards beneficiaries’ economic empowerment.